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Alexandre Icaza - Computer Science Student

Welcome to my personal site! Here you will find information about me, my projects, and my interests.

Coding setup

"If debugging is the process of removing software bugs, then programming must be the process of putting them in"

📋 Table of Contents

👨‍💻 Personal Information

I am a Computer Science student from Ecuador, passionate about new technologies driven by AI and programming. I am part of the TAWS club, and I have a deep interest in folk music. I am a member of my university's cultural group, for which I receive a cultural scholarship! I enjoy combining my love for music and programming. I am constantly seeking opportunities to learn and apply my skills in real-world projects, and I look forward to collaborating with others in the tech community! 🚀

🚀 Skills

💼 Projects

💻 Web and Mobile Applications Development Projects

📚 Scientific Publications

📊 GitHub Stats

GitHub Stats

LinkedIn Gmail

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